While I was up in LaFayette, Ga., attending the funeral of one grandmother this past weekend, I paid a visit to other, who is suffering from Alzheimer's. This is my father's mother, Ola Jean Liles, and she has been living in a nursing home since the disease starting taking a toll on her last year.
It's not that bad yet — I can still have conversations with her and she knows who I am — but I know it only gets worse. The good news is that I had a great time with her on Saturday.
Hey, that's a great story and picture about your grandmother. Sorry to hear about your other grandmother.
I echo the comments of nastygramer and add that I know what it's like to have a grandparent with alzhiemers too. It's strange, but it's life I suppose. Need to talk with you soon man. Keep on keep'n on Kev. Remember - Skool iz Kool.
Thanks guys. I'm just glad she still has a sense of humor...I hope she never loses it.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Please come see us if you are in our neighborhood. :)
Thanks Jessica. I do need to make it up there and hang out with the Garrish clan sometime soon.
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