Since I got a new computer last week (which can actually do work at a human pace — instead of a snail's), I've been going through some of my old photos. A couple of years ago, I tried my hand at shooting recreation games and selling prints to parents. Needless to say, I would've gone hungry had that been my only source of income. But I did make a few frames that I liked. I actually thought I lost these when my old laptop was stolen, but I found some of them hidden on an old hard drive. Anyways, I really liked this photo. I don't even know why this little guy was frustrated, but his body language speaks volumes. That's what's so great about kids — their honesty.
What's wrong with those soccer moms & baseball dads that they wouldn't want really great shots of their kids? I love this kid~ (bless his heart) and your pic speaks volumes~ I do feel his frustration.
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