I'm soliciting help from all my Photosoup viewers (which total about 8) to aid me in choosing a wedding photo to run in a magazine ad. All I need you to do is click on the above image, go through the galleries I have there on kevinlilesweddings.com, and tell me what your favorite image is. Ask yourself: "What image would just jump off the page and make you want to book me for your wedding?" You can post the URL to the image in the comments section, or simply tell me which wedding it was shot at and what the picture looks like. Thank you for your participation.
It was a very hard decision~I had trouble posting my choice here~so check your email for the details. I actually picked two. I suppose my favorite is the one where the girl is standing in front of the church door from your latest shoot and the second being the one with the fireworks from Rob & Amy's wedding.
You have to let us know which one you decide to go with after all the votes are in. :>)
I think I like this one best. Lemme know the winner. J
I think that it depends on the print quality and where it is going to be put out. I would almost choose different shots based on where you are going to market to. I love the phil. couple because I'm partial to ethic people. The lace shot is beautiful, the fireworks would get a lot of business and I really do think for brochures you need the split picture of Rocco and Shannon. Just my opinion though.
Thanks for the comments, folks. I've got until the 15th to make a decision.
The print quality is going to be pretty good, and it's only going to be printed in a magazine here in Griffin (readscoop.com).
Yea!!!!! Scoop!!!! It's my most favorite magazine!! I'm excited for you!
I LOVE the photo of Janet (Matt & Janet) with the shadowing on her face from the lace curtain. She is a beautiful bride and that is a beautiful photo.
Go with your first instinct Kev, it won't let you down. It should be fun, well lit and bride central. Go!
Yeah, I'm with pretty much everyone else on here and say the fireworks or the lace pictures.
Thanks guys for all the comments....I believe I'm going to go with this shot: http://kevinlilesweddings.com/galleries/janet/06.htm
It will reproduce better, especially in a glossy magazine, than the shot with sparklers. I'll let all of you know when it runs.
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