Here's the last of the photos I took this weekend that I'm going to post. The top photo is of my Dad and step-Grandfather. They were hanging out on Pap-Paw's front porch — I forget what they were laughing about, but I really like this one. The bottom photo is of my Dad while working in the chicken houses he cleans out every night. He's a hard-working man, that's for sure, even though he pushes a pencil by day.
Great pics as always~but I especially love the one of your dad and granddad~it evokes a certain "southern charm" of the two men sitting on a porch & talking.
Thanks Kim.
I love the angle in the chicken house with the light streaming in. I had a patient lately that needed to pick up the dead one's in between his fingers, but had hand strength problems, got any ideas?
Tell him to go to a hardware store and buy him a set of Tongs, it's a device that has three fingers on the pick-up end and two handles on the handle end. You never have to touch the chicken. You carry a five gallon bucket in one hand and pick up the chickens with the tongs in the other hand. I know Haberham Hardware in Cornelia, Ga has them.
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