I think I'm going to try my hand at being a rock star. Just kidding, I don't think I would make it very far. This photo was taken while I was working with freelancer Greg Foster for Sports Illustrated for Kids Tuesday night in Atlanta. I was standing in for Giants pitcher Barry Zito, who Greg photographed in a similar pose. The magazine is doing an issue on athletes who are also musicians. I have to say that I think I do look good behind the mic though.
My friend Brian Giandelone, who prefers to be simply called 'B', and is a sports reporter for the Griffin Daily News, took this while covering a high school basketball game recently. These students are heckling a player from the opposing team. It was such a good photo (especially, considering the equipment he has to work with) that I thought I would share it with all of you. Currently, it's the only photo in B's portfolio.
Tina and I went to Chattanooga this weekend, and I shot this while at the Tennessee Aquarium. It just has this sci-fi, eerie feel to it that I like. It looks like it just goes on forever. I really have to get and start shooting more — it's been a long time since I've just went out to shoot just for the sake of shooting.
The design department, in conjunction with the public relations staff here at Photosoup, came up with a nifty little logo that you can see at the top of the page. Many hours and several cans of Chef Boyardee ABC's 'n 123's went into this project. Let me know what you guys think.