Sunday, March 30, 2008


I felt like the stars lined up for me last night when I took this shot. Rarely do enough things fall in place for me to take a picture that I'm truly proud of. I was shooting a wedding in Douglasville when the groom's brother and his wife kissed while dancing at the reception. For those of you who ever check my weddings website (, I should have a gallery up in a couple weeks.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A little action

While working the NCAA tournament in Birmingham this weekend, I got my hands on one of the new Nikon D3's and took a few shots during the Louisville-Oklahoma game. This camera is absolutely amazing — this photo was taken at 2000 ISO. For those of you non-photographers, it's phenomenal that a photograph can look this clean at such a high ISO. The only problem is that it cost around $5000. I'm gladly accepting donations.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Duke-UNC game

Part of Duke's campus resembled the infield at a NASCAR race this weekend as students camped out for one of the biggest rivalries in college basketball. Recent rains turned the ground into a soggy mess, and strong winds on Saturday blew down many of the tents. Combine that with lots of alcohol and blue body paint, and you've got a pretty big mess on your hands.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Beautiful woman, beautiful day

I took this other day while Tina and I were enjoying some of this beautiful weather we've been having. I used a small Kodak point-and-shoot camera Tina bought for her son, Jonathan. It blows me away how good some of these little cameras are.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Another Charlie photo

I took this last week for my class I taught for UGA's Continuing Education Department. I was trying illustrate what a shallow depth of field looked like, and my favorite model was in perfect position.